Saturday, December 28, 2024

The 2024 Christmas party... Later...

I didn't think I'd miss anything at work while I was on sabbatical, but I did. I missed my couch. I not sure why, but a nap in my office behind the locked door is so much more refreshing in my office than at home. Maybe it's because there's so much more to escape when I'm in my campus office than when I'm at home. 

Not much bugs me at home. The Anonymous Children are old enough to be self-sufficient. The oldest doesn't have to ask for the keys to the car. He just takes them. The kids don't make much noise when they're home. They rarely have company. It's all virtual community on their iPhones.  When they're not talking, theyre listening to music with ear buds stuck in their ears.

Listening to music with ear buds stuck in their ears: that must be a  joyless experience. When I was their age, I had a real stereo with big speakers that blasted Jimi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, and Pink Floyd so loud that I couldn't hear my father pounding on the door to turn the music down. Maybe I should be thankful. Instead of shelling out a thousand bucks for a 1200 watt stereo for each of them, it's a thousand bucks for an iPhone. There's no noise. No boisterous chatter of teenagers. There's quiet around here.

Which makes me wonder just what the hell they're up to on their phones.  I'll make a note to discuss this with them some day. Maybe I'll make that the topic for a paper for my freshman writing class: What I Do On My Phone.

Anonymous Wife was on the faculty years ago. She gave up academia for a job, and I don't think she regrets her decision at all. She doesn't miss faculty meetings or the pressure of publication requirements, though she does miss Christmas break and Spring break. Maybe it's a good thing that she has a job that keeps her busy throughout the year. Otherwise, my much-needed sabbatical might have been very different. 

But it is good to be back. When I'm here in my office, I can justify my naps. They are so rich and satisfying because there's so much to escape  from when I'm here. I just lock my door and pass out on my couch until it's time for class. 

If it weren't for the awful students, the pathetic faculty and their damnable meetings, life here would be idyllic. 

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